Sub Categories:
Convict Creations
Historical background on Australian convict culture, information on a selection of artists, and convict-inspired crafts.
German-speakers in Australia
History of German-speakers in Australia, of their immigration and of their contribution to Australia.
History of Australia
General history of Australia, from the World History Archives.
Indigenous Peoples: the Aboriginal Peoples of Australia
Illustrated and carefully annotated guide to links focused specifically on the history, lore, sacred traditions, arts, and beliefs of the Aboriginal Peoples of Australia by Kathleen Jenks, Ph.D.
Encyclopedia and commentary on the search for Harold Lasseter and his lost gold reef.
Nineteenth Century Exploration of Australia
Features an 1893 map of explorers’ routes, plus links to online biographies of the explorers, and the text of a book chapter on Australian exploration by naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace.
SNOWY – The Making of Modern Australia
History of the Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme covering social, political, cultural and industrial aspects.
Timeline of Aboriginal Resistance
Short descriptions of incidents of aboriginal resistance to European invasion.
Totalisator history a world’s first
The history of the invention of the world’s first automatic totalisator in Australia in 1913 by George Julius.